Can I Reactivate My Old Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Claim?
Question: I had an allowed back injury claim a few years ago which I believe is still open. My back is really bothering me now and I have done nothing to aggravate it that I am aware of. What can I do? Will the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (OBWC) help me? Answer: This inactive claim is indeed open for …
My Injuries Still Bother Me – What Benefits Am I Entitled To?
Question: I have a claim with the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC). My injuries still bother me. What benefits am I entitled to? Answer: There are benefits that may be available to you. The OBWC will not notify you of these benefits. If you are still experiencing residual pain or other disability after 26 weeks have elapsed since the …
What Are Other OBWC benefits I May Be Entitled To?
Question: What are other benefits I may be entitled to if I have an established claim with the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (OBWC)? Answer: There are multiple benefits that may be available to you if you are off work under doctor’s written instructions due to injuries in your claim – or even if you miss no time! We will …
What Should I Do if I Get Injured at Work in Ohio?
Question: What should I do if I get injured at work? Answer: If you are injured during the course of your employment, you should immediately report the injury to your employer/immediate supervisor and ask to fill out an incident report. Some employers may not have such forms. In that case, incident report or not, go on to the steps below. …