Millions of Dollars Paid to Real People by Car Manufacturers Every Year!
These are samples of successful lemon law cases for real people who received substantial cash compensation from major car companies using our Firm*:
General Motors and Ford Cases – No Lawsuit was Filed!
Representative Sampling from 2023:
January 20, 2023: Client had transmission and engine problems. We were able to negotiate a cash on their behalf.
January 27, 2023: Client had engine power failure and a jerking transmission. We were able to negotiate a cash settlement on their behalf.
January 31, 2023: Client had electrical problems with their vehicle. They were given the option to accept a repurchase from the manufacturer or a cash settlement. As the vehicle was finally fixed, they elected to accept a cash settlement and keep the vehicle.
February 2, 2023: Client had suspension, transmission, and oil consumption problems. We were able to negotiate a cash settlement on their behalf.
February 10, 2023: Client had engine problems. They were given the option to have a full repurchase or a cash settlement. They chose to keep the vehicle and accept cash compensation to settle the case.
February 14. 2023: Client had engine problem. We were able to negotiate the repurchase of the vehicle by the manufacturer.
March 29, 2023: Client had electrical and transmission problems. We were able to negotiate a cash settlement on their behalf.
April 4, 2023: Client had engine problems that required a replacement. After a new engine was installed under warranty, we also negotiated a cash settlement for our client.
Representative Sampling from 2022:
November 16, 2022: Client has engine issues. We were able to negotiate a buyback of their behalf.
March 7, 2022: Client had electrical issues. We negotiated a cash settlement on their behalf.
February 8, 2022: Client had electrical and transmission problems. We negotiated a cash settlement.
January 28, 2022: Client had leaks and water pump issues. We were able to negotiate a cash settlement on their behalf.
January 3, 2022: Client had electrical and engine problems. We negotiated a cash settlement plus extended vehicle service contract.
Representative Sampling from 2021:
December 2, 2021: Client had electrical issues. We were able to negotiate a cash settlement on his behalf.
December 2, 2021: Client had numerous transmission issues. We were able to negotiate a cash settlement on her behalf.
December 1, 2021: Client had numerous issues with the transmission jerking, hesitating, and shuddering. We were able to negotiate a cash settlement on her behalf.
November 24, 2021: Client had transmission and electrical problems. We were able to negotiate a cash settlement sufficient for her to trade in the vehicle and pay it off so she could upgrade to a 2022 instead.
September 2, 2021: Client had multiple complaints for transmission issues. We were able to negotiate a cash settlement for her.
August 2, 2021: Client had issues with oil consumption. We were able to negotiate a cash settlement on her behalf.
July 6, 2021: Client had transmission and electrical issues and we were able to negotiate a cash settlement on their behalf.
June 21, 2021: Client had multiple electrical and brake issues. We were able to negotiate a cash settlement without litigation, per their request, which they accepted.
Representative Sampling from 2020:
March 16, 2020: Client complained about her engine and transmission. Client received a substantial cash settlement and was able to keep her vehicle or trade it in. Case settled in less than 2 months from the time client hired the Firm.
March 5, 2020: Client complained about his transmission. After several unsuccessful attempts to have the vehicle repaired he contacted the Firm and received a full repurchase.
February 21, 2020: Client complained about an inoperable touch screen and other electrical problems. Client received a substantial cash settlement and was able to keep her vehicle or trade it in.
February 17, 2020: Client complained about problems with the door latches on his vehicle. Client received a substantial cash settlement and was able to keep the vehicle or trade it in. Case settled within 2 months of the client hiring the Firm.
January 23, 2020: Client purchased a pre-owned vehicle and complained about problems with his engine, transmission, and various electrical problems. Client received a substantial cash settlement and was able to keep his vehicle or trade it in. Case settled within 3 months of the client hiring the Firm.
January 16, 2020: Client complained about jerking and alignment issues. Client received a substantial cash settlement and was able to keep his vehicle or trade it in. Case settled within 4 months of the client hiring the Firm.
January 10, 2020: Client complained about a jerking, hesitating and no start condition with his vehicle. Client received a substantial cash settlement and was able to keep his vehicle or trade it in. The case was settled within 2 months of the client hiring the Firm.
Representative Sampling from 2019:
July 24, 2019: Client complained about a shutter in his transmission. Client received a substantial cash settlement and was able to keep his vehicle or trade it in. The case was settled within 2 months of the client contacting the Firm.
July 29, 2019: Client complained about a shutter in his transmission. Client received a substantial cash settlement and was able to keep his vehicle or trade it in. Case settled within 3 months of the client contacting the Firm.
August 12, 2019: Client complaint about various problem with his engine and various electrical problems. Client received a cash settlement of $11,000.00 and was able to keep his vehicle or trade it in.
August 30, 2019: Client bought a pre-owned vehicle and began experiencing a loss of power. Client received a substantial cash settlement and was able to keep the vehicle or trade it in. Case settled in 2 months from the client contacting the Firm.
Sept 10, 2019. Client complained about a growling noise in the suspension of his vehicle. After several unsuccessful trips to the dealer, the client contacted the Firm for help. The Firm was able to negotiate a full repurchase of the vehicle for the client.
Sept 25, 2019: Client complained about problems with the door latches functioning properly on her vehicle. Client received a substantial cash settlement and was able to keep her vehicle or trade it in. Case settled in less than 3 months from the client contacting the Firm.
October 21, 2019: Client complained about a shudder and vibration in his transmission. Client received a substantial cash settlement and was able to keep his vehicle or trade it in. Case settled in 2 months from contacting the Firm.
October 24, 2019: Client complained about faulty door latches on his vehicle. After several unsuccessful attempts to have the vehicle repaired he contacted the Firm and received a full repurchase.
October 30, 2019. Client complained of loss of power on his heavy duty truck. After several attempts by the dealer to repair the problem, the client contacted the Firm. He was able to obtain a 5 figure settlement and keep the vehicle.
November 21, 2019 client complained about a loss of power when accelerating. Client received a substantial five-figure cash settlement and was able to keep the vehicle or trade it in. Case settled in less than 2 months from the time client contacted the Firm.
From 2018 & Prior:
The Firm was not posting successful lemon law cases prior to 2019, so although hundreds of cases were resolved successfully, they were not posted on the website.
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Remember the advice is Free and if you hire us, your attorney will not get paid until you get paid! At Kahn & Associates there is no cost or obligation for you to be informed of your rights!
* Due to confidentiality in settlement agreements, in some cases the company’s name has been removed. It should be remembered that every individual case presents different factual circumstances and therefore past cases are not a guarantee of future results. Kahn & Associates, L.L.C cannot guarantee any particular outcome by using our Firm.